Instant Capacity on Demand (iCOD) User's Guide for versions B.05.x

Understanding iCOD Requirements
E-Mail Requirements
Chapter 230
Configuring Your Server to Send but Not Receive
For security reasons, some organizations do not wish to allow incoming
mail. If you want your iCOD system to be capable of only sending e-mail,
and not receiving e-mail, complete the following configuration procedure:
Step 1. To prevent the sendmail daemon from starting up again when your
system reboots, edit the /etc/rc.config.d/mailservs file, changing
the value of SENDMAIL_SERVER to 0:
vi /etc/rc.config.d/mailservs
# Mail configuration. See sendmail(1m) #
# BSD’s popular message handling system
# SENDMAIL_SERVER: Set to 1 if this is a mail server
# and should run the sendmail deamon.
# SENDMAIL_SERVER_NAME: If this is not a mail server, but a
# client being served by another
# system, then set this variable to
# the name of the mail server system
# name so that site hiding can be
# performed.
Step 2. To immediately stop the server from receiving e-mail, kill the active
sendmail daemon by executing the following command:
/sbin/init.d/sendmail stop