Instant Capacity on Demand (iCOD) User's Guide for versions B.05.x

Understanding iCOD Requirements
Roles Requirement
Chapter 236
Roles Requirement
Your organization needs to designate people to fill certain roles for the
successful management of iCOD systems. There are two main roles to be
filled and they are:
System Contact: This person is usually a system administrator and
must have root login privileges on the iCOD system. The system
contact controls the number of activated and deactivated processors
by use of the icod_modify command. iCOD system management
information is sent to the system contact via e-mail.
Authorizing Manager: This person has financial authorization to
approve payment for additional processor capacity. That is, when the
number of active processors is increased, there is an additional
charge from HP for the use of the newly activated processors. The
authorizing manager approves the additional expense.