HP Integrity Virtual Machines 4.3: Release Notes (5900-2265, May 2012)

6 Guest Administration
This chapter contains information about managing Integrity VM guests.
6.1 Changes and Issues in the V4.3 Release
There are no new guest administration issues in the V4.3 release.
6.1.1 Using HP Serviceguard to Manage Guests
This section lists release notes specific to using Serviceguard in the Integrity VM environment.
You can install HP Serviceguard A.11.20 on the VM Host or on the HP-UX guest running HP-UX
11i v3.
Do not attempt to use the same VM as a VM as Serviceguard Package and a VM as Serviceguard
Node at the same time. Such a configuration is not supported. Both VMs as Serviceguard Nodes
and VMs as Serviceguard Packages can exist on the same VM Host, but not with the same VM.
Serviceguard A.11.19 is supported with Integrity VM V4.3 only for HP-UX 11i v2 guests with the
following restrictions:
In a VMs as Serviceguard Nodes configuration
HP Integrity Superdome
No Serviceguard Toolkit support
NOTE: If you are using the Matrix OE fluid cross-technology logical server feature with Integrity
VM, do not configure the VM as a Serviceguard node or package. This feature is not supported
with Matrix OE fluid cross-technology logical servers in the Insight Software 7.0 release.
6.1.2 Serviceguard Toolkit Changes
The HP Integrity Virtual Machine Serviceguard toolkit currently shipping as part of the Integrity
Virtual Machine 4.3 kit has been enhanced and superseded by a new HP Serviceguard Toolkit
for Integrity Virtual Servers. This new toolkit contains the equivalent functionally to the existing
toolkit, but adds support for both vPars v6 as well as Integrity Virtual Machines. You can download
the new toolkit from the web or obtain it from HP-UX release media starting with the HP-UX 11i v3
March 2012 Fusion release.
For more details and important differences between the toolkits, see the HP Serviceguard Toolkit
for Integrity Virtual Servers Release Notes available at HP Serviceguard Toolkit for Integrity Virtual
Servers Release Notes.
6.1.3 Unexpected Impact of Enabling Maintenance Mode
If you enable maintenance mode on one cluster member of a Serviceguard cluster managing a
VM as a Serviceguard Package and stop the guest, the OFF status is not propagated to the other
cluster hosts. This is an expected behavior. The maintenance mode marks the guest as
non-distributed, and as a result, the status changes are not propagated to the other hosts.
6.1.4 Setting up MSE after the Serviceguard Cluster
To set up MSE after setting up the Serviceguard cluster, perform the following steps:
1. Create the MSE entry:
hpvmdevmgmt -a env:HPVM_ENV_GROUP_ENTRY:attr:GROUPNAME=HPVM-SG-clustername
2. Add or modify the environment attributes:
6.1 Changes and Issues in the V4.3 Release 27