HP Integrity Virtual Machines Installation, Configuration, and Administration Version A.03.50

Generates a report script that can be used after inspection to fix various device database
The hpvmdevmgmt command exits with one of the following values:
0: Successful completion.
1: One or more error conditions
The hpvmdevmgmt command displays error messages for any of the following conditions:
An invalid option is specified.
An invalid value is specified for an option.
A value was omitted for an argument that requires one, or a value was supplied for an
argument that does not take one.
The hpvmdevmgmt command and Integrity Virtual Machines are at different revision levels.
Generate a device report and repair script and redirect the output to a file. This example also
sets the script to executable and writable, starts an editor to edit the file, and then runs the edited
file. If the script is not edited and there are errors to report or repair, you receive a message
directing you to edit it. If there are no errors to report or repair, the script runs without editing.
# hpvmdevmgmt -r > repair_script.sh
# chmod +wx repair_script.sh
# ./repair_script.sh
Device database status - Total problems found: zz.
Number of restricted devices with problems: xx.
Number of guest devices with problems: yy.
Since errors were found, please edit and inspect this script by hand to enable its repair functions.
# vi repair_script.sh
# ./repair_script.sh
List a guest-device entry:
# hpvmdevmgmt -l gdev:/dev/rdsk/c2t1d0s2
List all the restricted devices:
# hpvmdevmgmt -l rdev
List all the guest devices used by the guest phantom:
# hpvmdevmgmt -l gdev:depend:phantom
List all shareable guest devices, that is, those with the attribute SHARE=YES:
# hpvmdevmgmt -l gdev,SHARE=YES
Allocate a 4 GB file:
# hpvmdevmgmt -S 4G /var/opt/hpvm/guests/mirage/disk_4G_file
Create attached (passthrough/sctl) devices:
# hpvmdevmgmt -I
Modify a guest device attribute on an ISO file from not shared to shared:
# hpvmdevmgmt -m gdev:/var/opt/hpvm/ISO-images/hpux/kit:attr:SHARE=YES
Add a restricted device entry:
# hpvmdevmgmt -a rdev:/dev/vg00/lvol8
Delete a restricted device:
# hpvmdevmgmt -d rdev:/dev/vg00/lvol8
Delete the guest mirage dependent from all guest devices: