HP-UX vPars and Integrity VM V6.3 Administrator Guide

information about running VMs under Serviceguard, see HP Serviceguard Toolkit for Integrity Virtual
Servers User Guide at http://www.hp.com/go/hpux-serviceguard-docs.
9.3 Starting VMs
To start the VM, run the hpvmstart command. You can specify either the VM name or the VM
number (listed in the hpvmstatus display under VM #).
The hpvmstart command syntax is:
# hpvmstart {-P vm-name | -p vm_number} [-F | -s | -Q]
Table 21 (page 141) lists the options that can be used with the hpvmstart command.
Table 21 Options to the hpvmstart command
Specifies the name of the VM. Specify either the -P option or the
-p option.
-P vm-name
Specifies the number of the VM. To determine the VM number,
enter the hpvmstatus command.
-p vm_number
Suppresses all resource conflict checks and associated warning
messages (force mode). Use force mode for troubleshooting
purposes only.
NOTE: The -F option is deprecated in Integrity VM commands.
This option must be used only if instructed by HP Support.
Sanity-checks the VM configuration and returns warnings or errors,
but does not start the VM.
Quietly executes the command. The default is to prompt for
confirmation of the command before performing it.
For example, to start the new VM host1, enter the following command:
# hpvmstart -P host1
(C) Copyright 2000 - 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.
Mapping vPar/VM memory: 2048MB
mapping low RAM (0-80000000, 2048MB)
/opt/hpvm/lbin/hpvmapp (/var/opt/hpvm/uuids/9e69613e-dba8-11e1-b802-
Allocated 2147483648 bytes at 0x6000000100000000
locking memory: 0-80000000
allocating overhead RAM (6000000180000000-600000018c000000, 192MB)
locking memory: 6000000180000000-600000018c000000
allocating datalogger memory: FF800000-FF900000 (1024KB)
allocating firmware RAM (fff00000-100000000, 1024KB)
locked SAL RAM: 00000000fff00000 (8KB)
locked ESI RAM: 00000000fff02000 (8KB)
locked PAL RAM: 00000000fff04000 (8KB)
locked Min Save State: 00000000fff0a000 (4KB)
locked datalogger: 00000000ff800000 (1024KB)
Creation of VM minor device 1
Device file = /var/opt/hpvm/uuids/9e69613e-dba8-11e1-b802-00237d4506f4/vm_dev
Loading boot image
Image initial IP=102000 GP=69E000
Starting event polling thread
guestStatsStartThread: Started guestStatsCollectLoop - thread = 6
Starting thread initialization
hpvmstart: Successful start initiation of vPar or VM 'host1'
The hpvmstatus command displays the allocation of memory and devices. After you start the
VM, the hpvmstatus command displays the VM status as On (EFI), because the VM is powered
on but the guest operating system is not running. Because the operating system has not been
installed, the guest OS type is listed as UNKNOWN.
9.3 Starting VMs 141