HP-UX Mobile IPv4 A.03.01 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 10
The configuration option queries the mipd or miprod daemon and displays the active
configuration parameters (the configuration parameters that the daemon is currently
-c[onfiguration] -g[lobal] -n[odes] -i[nterface] -a[ll]
-g[lobal] Display only the global configuration data.
-n[odes] On a Home Agent, display only the configuration entries for Mobile
Nodes or Correspondent Nodes. On a Correspondent Node, display only
the configuration entries about for the Home Agents.
-i[nterface] Display only the interface configuration data.
-a[ll] Display all configuration data (this is the default behavior).
If you do not specify a parameter, mipadmin will display all configuration data. The
mipadmin utility queries the mipd or miprod daemon for configuration parameters to
ensure that it reports the current operating parameters.
The output may include operating parameters that are not specified in the configuration
file. For example, if the tunnel source interface and address are not specified in the
configuration file for miprod, the daemon will use the address returned by
gethostbyname() for the local hostname. Also note that in this case, mipadmin will
display the tunnel source address, but since it cannot determine the tunnel source
interface name, it will report (not configured) for the interface name.
An example from a Home Agent is shown below:
mipadmin> -conf -all
_________________________________ GLOBAL DATA __________________________
Configuration File: /var/adm/mip/mipd.conf
ICMP Code: 16 Hold Time (secs): 3.0
__________________________ MOBILE/CORRESPONDENT NODES __________________
IP Address:
Algorithm: MD5 Replay Protection: Timestamps
SPI: 400 Key: 54 90 09 06 7e 27 5f 83 58 3c 6f be 76 6c
32 a8
IP Address:
Algorithm: MD5 Replay Protection: Timestamps
SPI: 400 Key: f8 d4 3b 4c c1 4b 70 68 e4 6d 3f fa b6 c5
d8 f8