HP-UX Mobile IPv4 A.03.01 Administrator's Guide

Chapter 10
for miproconfig. If the interface is not configured for IP or the address does not
match, miproconfig will display information messages, and continue processing the
configuration file.
Link Shutdown and Restart If mipadmin is starting mipd, it will shutdown the LAN
interfaces configured for Mobile IPv4 and restart them with NOFASTPATH enabled as part
of the startup process. The mipadmin utility will print a warning message and ask you to
verify that you want to start mipd.
NOTE: starting mipd with /var/adm/mip/mipd.conf
WARNING: Interface lan0 will be shutdown and restarted with NOFASTPATH
Start mipd? (yes)
Press RETURN or type yes to start the daemon. Enabling NOFASTPATH allows the Mobile
IPv4 software to extract the Mobile Nodes’ link-level addresses. (The HP-UX Mobile
IPv4 shutdown script and mipadmin disable the NOFASTPATH option when the HP-UX
Mobile IPv4 software is shutdown.)
mipadmin> -start
NOTE: starting mipd with /var/adm/mip/mipd.conf
WARNING: interface lan1 will be shutdown and restarted with