Using HP-UX Internet Services (February 2007)

To create a $HOME/.rhosts file on the remote host, perform the following steps:
1. If you do not know where your home directory is on the remote host, log into the
remote host and issue the following command:
echo $HOME
2. Create a file called .rhosts in your home directory on the remote host, if it does
not already exist, and add the following line to it:
your_local_host's_name your_local_login_name
3. Issue the following command to ensure that you are the owner of the remote
.rhosts file:
ls -l .rhosts
4. Issue the following command to protect your remote .rhosts file so that only
you can read it:
chmod 0400 .rhosts
5. Move to the parent directory of your home directory, and issue the following
command to protect your remote home directory by restricting write permission
to other users (that is, group and others):
chmod 0755 your_home_directory
For more information on the .rhosts file, type man 4 hosts.equiv at the HP-UX
IMPORTANT: A $HOME/.rhosts file creates a significant security risk. Because of
this, its functionality may be disabled on the remote host. If it has been disabled, your
$HOME/.rhosts file will not work even if it exists on your system.
18 Logging into a Host with rlogin