Graphics Administration Guide (July 2008)

Table Of Contents
syntax guidelines
Blank lines and comments (text following “#”) are ignored. Entries can occupy
more than a single line.
All symbols in the file are recognized case-insensitive.
the X*screens file format
Items must appear in the X*screens file in the order that they are specified below.
{Screen <device_name>} ||
{SingleLogicalScreen <nRows> <nCols>
<device_name1> . . .<device_nameN>}
[Class <visual_class>]
[Depth <depth>]
[Layer <layer>]
[MonitorSize <diagonal_length><units>]
[MinimumMonitorPowerSaveLevel <level>]
. <screen_option>]
Brackets (“[“and “]”) denote optional items. Italicized items in angle brackets (“<” and
“>”) denote values to be specified. The double vertical line (“||”) denotes that one of
the ored values (items surrounded by braces, “{“and “}”) must be included.
The block from the “Screen <device_name>” line to the final “<screen_option>” line is
referred to as a either a “Screen Entry” or as a “Single Logical Screen entry”. As shown
above, the X*screens format is composed of an optional block specifying
device-independent server options followed by one or more either Screen or Single
Logical Screen entries (maximum of four graphics devices).The minimum X*screens
file is a line with the keyword “Screen” followed by a screen device file. For example:
Screen /dev/crt
server options
For more information about server options, or about additional server options, look in
an information file (for example, /usr/lib/X11/Xserver/info/screens/hp).
GraphicsSharedMemorySize <memory_size>
40 configuring X server on HP-UX (HP Visualize-FXE)