HP-UX HB v13.00 Ch-05 - SD-UX

HP-UX Handbook Rev 13.00 Page 39 (of 49)
Chapter 05 Software Distributor (SD-UX)
October 29, 2013
set of mass storage related patches. Generally the Response Center delivers the patches in SD
format on DDS tape. Install the patches using:
# swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x patch_match_target=true
-s /dev/rmt/0m
Verifying Patch Installation
The result of the patch installation can be seen in the swagent log /var/adm/sw/swagent.log.
If any critical warnings or errors appear we strongly recommend to use the powerful
check_patches utility in order to find the cause.
Removing Patches
In general we would recommend not to remove patches, if possible. Installing a successor is
usually less risky, since patch dependencies may be violated by a patch removal.
Only if a patch is known to cause problems which are not fixed by any available successor the
patch should be removed:
# swremove PHxx_yyyyy [PHxx_yyyyy ...]
If there are problems after installing a whole patch bundle and it is not possible to locate the
patch(es) that causes the trouble, the bundle may be removed:
# swremove HWEnable11i
Note that the standard patch bundles have undergone an intense testing phase and it is very
unlikely that such a bundle causes trouble. It is more likely that certain patches in the bundle
uncover a hardware problem that was hidden before.
Patch Text
The patchtext is an ASCII file that describes the patch in detail. It provides information about the
patch in the following patch text fields:
Name or 1Liner
Creation and post date
Affected files