Softreboot White Paper (5900-2577, March 2013)

1 Technologies / Features
SoftReboot feature reduces the operating system reboot time experienced during routine system
maintenance. SoftReboot achieves this downtime reduction by skipping the platform hardware
reset and booting the next kernel directly from the current operating system instance.
The time saved due to SoftReboot solution varies across platforms and different hardware
configurations of the same platform. Hence, the down time savings due to SoftReboot are not
SoftReboot Integrated with DRD
With SRB feature, DRD can further reduce downtime during reboot process. SRB version
B.11.31.1303 supports DRD. DRD version A.3.12 supports SRB. For details about DRD, see
Dynamic Root Disk A.3.12.* Administrator's Guide available at
For proper functioning of this feature, the SRB version should be B.11.31.1303 and DRD version
should be A.3.12.
Product Contents
The SoftReboot feature is implemented in two Dynamically Loadable Kernel Modules, two commands
and kernel enabler patches.
Optional NCF bundle available in OESoftRebootEnh1
SoftReboot Enabler Kernel Patches2
PHKL_42336Other deps (needed on B.11.31.1109)3
PHCO_42480SoftReboot command Enabler Patches4
SD-UX product to support swinstall with special SoftReboot
SW-DIST version >= B.11.31.1203.5
6 Technologies / Features