SoftReboot White Paper

A SoftReboot Software Depot List
A complete list of contents of SoftRebootEnh software bundle is as follows:
hpkdbia4# swlist -l product SoftRebootEnh
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "hpkdbia4"...
# Target: hpkdbia4:/
# SoftRebootEnh B.11.31.%2011_1007_DP HPUX SoftReboot
SoftRebootEnh.SoftReboot B.11.31.%2011_1007_DP SoftReboot Enablement
hpkdbia4# swlist -l fileset SoftRebootEnh
# Initializing...
# Contacting target "hpkdbia4"...
# Target: hpkdbia4:/
# SoftRebootEnh B.11.31.%2011_1007_DP HPUX SoftReboot
# SoftRebootEnh.SoftReboot B.11.31.%2011_1007_DP SoftReboot Enablement
SoftRebootEnh.SoftReboot.SOFTREBOOT-CMD B.11.31.%2011_1007_DP SoftReboot Enablement
SoftRebootEnh.SoftReboot.SOFTREBOOT-KRN B.11.31.%2011_1007_DP SoftReboot Enablement
10 SoftReboot Software Depot List