HP-UX WBEM LVM Provider Datasheet

Page 8
and value. Each row describes a property. Note: while some properties in the table are marked with the “Write” qualifier (based on their
designation in the DMTF CIM schema), all properties are in fact read-only for this version of the HP-UX LVM Provider.
Property Name Property Inheritance Property Description (and value)
HPUX_VolumeGroup REF Antecedent
Local to HPUX_PVGInVG HP-UX: Has the lower level StorageExtent.
HPUX_PhysicalVolumeGroup REF
Dependent [key]
Local to HPUX_PVGInVG HP-UX: Has the higher level StorageExtent.
Table8: HPUX_PVInPVG Properties - HPUX_PVInPVG is an association describing the Physical Volumes used in creating a Physical Volume Group
Table 8 describes the properties of the HPUX_PVInPVG association class. It has three columns. The first column lists the property name (including
type and units), the second is the property inheritance (indicating which class or super class defines the property), and the third discusses the
property description and its value. Each row describes a property. Note: While some properties in the table are
marked with the “Write” qualifier
(based on their designation in the DMTF CIM schema), all properties are in fact read-only for this version of the HP-UX LVM Provider.
Property Name Property Inheritance Property Description (and value)
HPUX_PhysicalVolume REF Member
Local to HPUX_PVInPVG HP-UX: Has the lower level StorageExtent.
HPUX_PhysicalVolumeGroup REF
Collection [key]
Local to HPUX_PVInPVG HP-UX: Has the higher level StorageExtent.
Table9: Intrinsic methods for all classes
Table 9 describes the intrinsic methods supported by this provide for all classes. It has three columns. The first is the method name, the second is
a description of the provider’s actions based on invoking that method, and the third is a list of any exceptions that could result from invoking the
method. Each row describes a method. Note that this provider supports no extrinsic methods.
Method Name Description Exceptions Thrown
enumerateInstances Returns all instances of class with all
properties and their respective values.
(Thrown when a wrong class name is passed)
enumerateInstanceNames Returns object path of all instances of the
(Thrown when a wrong class name is passed)
getInstance Returns the requested instance with all
properties and their respective values.
There will always be only one instance.
(Thrown when wrong class name, or wrong number of
keys is passed)
CIM_ERR_NOT_Found (from CIMOM)
(Thrown when the requested instance does not exist.)
modifyInstance Not Supported. CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
deleteInstance Not Supported. CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
Initialize Not Supported. None.
Terminate Not Supported. None.
createInstance Not Supported. CIM_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.
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