Serviceguard Extended Distance Cluster (EDC) with VxVM/CVM Mirroring on HP-UX, May 2008

Detach policy and Disk Group Failure policy
There are two policies that control the behavior following I/O errors or failures. These are the detach
policy and the disk group failure policy.
The detach policy has two possible settings:
Global—This is the default policy. When the detach policy is set to global, a plex will be detached
from a volume on a cluster-wide basis if a CVM slave node experiences an I/O error on that plex.
Local—This policy was introduced in VxVM 3.2 and is currently not supported with VxVM/CVM
5.0, if the site-awareness feature is being used. If the detach policy is set to local, an I/O error on a
plex will not cause the plex to be detached cluster wide. Only the node which experienced the I/O
error will lose access to the volume.
The disk group failure policy applies when the CVM master node loses access to all the copies of the
configuration database and logs and has two possible settings:
Disable—This is the default policy. When the disk group failure policy is set to disable, the disk
group will be disabled cluster wide if the CVM master node loses access to all copies of the
configuration database and logs. As a result, all cluster nodes will lose access to the disk group.
Leave—This mode was introduced with VxVM/CVM 4.1. With the disk group failure policy set to
leave, if the CVM master node loses access to all copies of the configuration database and logs,
the CVM master node will be forced to leave the cluster (panic). This will trigger a cluster
reformation, causing a new CVM master to be selected.
The information documented in this white paper is based on tests that were performed using the
default settings for the detach and disk group failure policies—these settings were recommended by
Symantec. Further details of these policies can be found in the “VERITAS Volume Manager
Administrator’s Guides” referred to in the “
Related Documents
” section.
Storage Multi-Pathing configuration
Like a local Serviceguard cluster, an EDC also requires dual physical connections to the storage to
eliminate the path as a SPOF. Since DMP is included in all Serviceguard SMS bundles and it is
recommended for HP-UX 11i v2 and required for SMS with CVM/CFS on HP-UX 11i v3, the tests
leading to the information in this white paper were performed using DMP as multipathing software. If
you are interested in further information about the different multi-pathing options in Serviceguard
clusters, please see the “Storage Multi-Pathing choices in HP-UX Serviceguard environments
” white
paper referenced in the “Related Documents
” section.
License information for selected VxVM features
Most of the VxVM/CVM features described in this white paper are licensed with the VxVM full
version and are included in all HP SMS bundles.
The FastResync and Site-Awareness features (SMS A.02.00/VxVM 5.0 specific) are only available in
the HP Serviceguard Storage Management Suite Premium bundles (2 and 4) and the CVM/CFS
bundles (5, 6, 7). The SMS release notes, referred to in the “Related Documents
” section, provide
further details about which features are included in the various bundles.