VERITAS 4.1 Installation Guide (June 2006)

Chapter 3 15
3 Installing Base-VXFS 4.1, Base-VXVM
This chapter describes how to install Base-VXFS 4.1 and Base-VXVM 4.1 with the
swinstall(1M) command.
Mounting the HP-UX Serviceguard and Storage
Management Products Media
To mount the media complete the following procedure:
Step 1. Insert the media into the drive and log in as root:
$ su root
Step 2. To determine the device name, run the following command:
# ioscan -fnC disk
The -f option is used for full listing, -n option is used for listing device file names,
and the -C option is used for listing a subset of the input and output system.
Step 3. To create a directory under which to mount the media, run the following command:
# mkdir -p /cdrom
Step 4. To mount the media, run the following command:
# mount <absolute device-path> /cdrom
where <absolute device-path> is the device path for the CD-ROM.
Step 5. To verify that the media is mounted, run the following command:
# mount
NOTE If you install an HP Serviceguard Storage Management suite bundle,
Base-VXFS 4.1 and Base-VXVM 4.1 are automatically installed.