VERITAS 4.1 Installation Guide (June 2006)

Removing Base-VXFS 4.1 and Base-VXVM 4.1
Chapter 432
*Selection succeeded.
* Beginning Analysis
* Session selections have been saved in the file
* The analysis phase succeeded for "<servername>:/".
* Analysis succeeded.
* Beginning Execution
* The execution phase succeeded for "<servername>:/".
* Execution succeeded.
NOTE: More information may be found in the agent logfile using the
command "swjob -a log fslab02-0105 @ <servername>:/".
======= 08/30/05 11:22:11 IST END swremove SESSION (non-interactive)
To verify that the VERITAS packages were removed from the system, run the following
# swlist -l product \*VRTS\*
The output does not display the VRTSvxfs and VRTSfsman packages. This confirms that
the Base-VXFS 4.1 package is removed.
Contacting target "<servername>"...
Target: <servername>:/
VRTSalloc 4.1 VERITAS Volume Manager: VERITAS Intellige Storage Provisioning
VRTSap VERITAS Action Provider
VRTSddlpr b4.1 VERITAS Device Discovery Layer Services Provider
VRTSfspro 4.1k VERITAS File System Management Services Provider
VRTSob 3.2.532.0.100 VERITAS Enterprise Administrator Service
VRTSobgui 3.2.532.0.100 VERITAS Enterprise Administrator