Veritas File System 5.1 SP1 Administrator"s Guide (5900-1499, April 2011)

See the odmadm(1M) manual page.
By default, the cachemap is empty, but you can add caching advisories by using
the odmadm setcachemap command.
To add caching advisories to the cachemap
Add a caching advisory to the cachemap:
# odmadm setcachemap data/data_read_seq=cache,readahead
With this example command, ODM uses caching and readahead for I/O to
online log files (data) that have the data_read_seq I/O type. You can view
the valid file type and I/O type values from the output of the odmadm
getcachemap command.
See the odmadm(1M) manual page.
Making the caching settings persistent across mounts
By default, the Cached ODM settings are not persistent across mounts. You can
make the settings persistent by creating the /etc/vx/odmadm file and listing the
caching advisory settings in the file
To make the caching setting persistent across mounts
Create the /etc/vx/odmadm file to list files and their caching advisories. In
the following example of the /etc/vx/odmadm file, if you mount the
/dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/vol1 device at /mnt1, odmadm turns off caching for
setcachemap data/read_data_header=cache
setcachemap all/datapump=cache,readahead
device /dev/vx/dsk/rootdg/vol1
setcachefile oradata/file1=off
Using Veritas Extension for Oracle Disk Manager
Using Cached ODM