Veritas File System 5.1 SP1 Administrator"s Guide (5900-1499, April 2011)

If an error occurs that compromises the integrity of the file system,
VxFS disables itself. If the intent log fails or an inode-list error
occurs, the super-block is ordinarily updated (setting the
VX_FULLFSCK flag) so that the next fsck does a full structural
check. If this super-block update fails, any further changes to the
file system can cause inconsistencies that are undetectable by the
intent log replay. To avoid this situation, the file system disables
Disabling a file system
Recovering a disabled file system
When the file system is disabled, no data can be written to the disk. Although
some minor file system operations still work, most simply return EIO. The only
thing that can be done when the file system is disabled is to do a umount and run
a full fsck.
Although a log replay may produce a clean file system, do a full structural check
to be safe.
The file system usually becomes disabled because of disk errors. Disk failures that
disable a file system should be fixed as quickly as possible.
See the fsck_vxfs(1M) manual page.
To execute a full structural check
Use the fsck command to execute a full structural check:
# fsck -F vxfs -o full -y /dev/vx/rdsk/diskgroup/volume
Warning: Be careful when running this command. By specifying the -y option,
all fsck user prompts are answered with a yes", which can make irreversible
changes if it performs a full file system check.
About kernel messages
Kernel messages are diagnostic or error messages generated by the Veritas File
System (VxFS) kernel. Each message has a description and a suggestion on how
to handle or correct the underlying problem.
About global message IDs
When a VxFS kernel message displays on the system console, it is preceded by a
numerical ID shown in the msgcnt field. This ID number increases with each
Diagnostic messages
About kernel messages