HP-UX WBEM Fibre-Channel RecordLog Provider Datasheet, April 2010

String RecordData
Inherited from CIM_RecordForLog
A string containing LogRecord data. If the
corresponding RecordFormat property is or
cannot be parsed according to the
recommended format, RecordData should
be interpreted as a free-form string.
If the RecordFormat property contains
parseable format information (as
recommended in the RecordFormat
Description qualifier), the RecordData string
SHOULD be parsed in accordance with this
format. In this case, RecordData SHOULD
begin with the delimiter character and this
character SHOULD be used to separate
substrings in the manner described. The
RecordData string can then be parsed by
the data consumer and appropriately
String Locale
Inherited from CIM_Re
A locale indicates a particular
geographical, political, or cultural region.
The Locale specifies the language used in
creating the RecordForLog data. If the
Locale property is empty, it is assumed that
the default locale is en_US (English).;The
locale string consists of three sub-strings,
separated by underscores- The first sub-
string is the language code, as specified in
ISO639. The second sub-string is the
country code, as specified in ISO3166. The
third sub-string is a variant, which is vendor
specific. ;For example, US English appears
as: en_US_WIN. where the variant would
specify a Windows browser-specific
collation (if one exists). Since the variant is
not standardized, it is not commonly used
and generally is limited to easily
recognizable values (WIN, UNIX, EURO
etc.) used in standard environments. The
language and country codes are required;
the variant may be empty.
String DataFormat
Inherited from CIM_LogRecord
Unit16 StorageLogType
Inherited from HP_Comm
The identification of the type of error log,
event, statistics, etc
String SystemPartNumber
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
Part number for the system that reported the
item logged.This is expected to be the 6-3
number (example= Evo box = 268616-
String OtherDeviceType
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
A string defining
values for DeviceType.This
value MUST be set to a non NULL value
when DeviceType is set to a value of 1. For
all other values of DeviceType, the value of
this string must be set to NULL.
String DeviceVersion[]
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
Array of versions for the hardware
String DeviceManufacturer[]
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
Manufacturer of the hardware associated
with the record.
String DeviceSerialNumber
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
Array of all the serial numbers of the
hardware associated with the logged item.
String DevicePartNumber[]
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
Part number for the devices associated with
the logged item. This is expected to be the
6-3 number (example= DIMM 268616-
String DeviceModel[]
Inherited from HP_CommonLogRecord
Model of the device associated with the
logged item.