HP WBEM Services for HP-UX System Administrator Guide (5900-1624, April 2011)

General Syslog messages
HP WBEM Services puts the following messages in Syslog:
When CIM Server starts up, it logs a message, for example:
fsweb2 cimserver[1593]: PGS10026: The CIM Server is listening on
HTTPS port 5989.
fsweb2 cimserver[1593]: PGS10028: The CIM server is listening on
the local connection socket.
fsweb2 cimserver[1593]: PGS10030: Started HP-UX WBEM Services version
When CIM Server shuts down, it logs a message, for example:
fsweb2 cimserver[1593]: PGS10019: CIM server is stopped.
When CIM Server receives a request to disable both HTTP and HTTPS connections, it logs a
message, for example:
Jun 17 13:58:42 mysystem cimserver[9624]: Neither HTTP nor HTTPS
connection is enabled. CIMServer will not be started.
You can disable both connections in the planned configuration, using cimconfig. However,
default is HTTPS.
You must restart the CIM Server for the planned configuration to take effect. (For example,
enter: cimserver enableHttpsConnection=TRUE.) After starting the CIM Server, use
cimconfig to set a port type in a more lasting way.
On HP-UX, when cimserverd detects that cimserver is not running, but it was not shut
down by the cimserver -s it logs a message, for example:
Jun 17 20:55:18 mysystem cimserverd[6991]: cimserver not running,
attempting restart
If an error occurs in the process-to-process communication between the cimserver and
cimservera, it logs a message, for example
HP WBEM Services puts the following messages in Syslog:
Dec 03 23:55:18 mysystem cimserverd[12517]: Error processing PAM
Authentication request (OPERATION)
where OPERATION could be on of: write, read, pipe, fork or dub2
Indication Service Syslog messages
Message: "One or more invalid Subscription instances were ignored"
This message might be logged upon CIM Server startup (IndicationService initialization), if
an invalid Subscription instance is found in the repository.
Invalid instances could exist if instances in the repository have been directly created or modified
by circumventing the IndicationService.
In such cases, the IndicationService detects such corruption, ignores invalid subscription
instances, and continues to make a best effort at processing requests on valid subscription
instances. You must remove invalid instances from the repository and be careful so that the
invalid instances are not introduced into the repository by circumventing the IndicationService.
Message: "Subscription ($0) has no provider"
This message might be logged upon CIM Server startup (IndicationService initialization), if
no provider, currently can serve an existing enabled subscription.
HP WBEM Services messages 43