HP WBEM Services for HP-UX System Administrator Guide (5900-1624, April 2011)

The CIM repository can be modified, using CIM operations, which are provided through an
XML file. Information can be entered in the repository either as MOF files using the cimmof
command or as XML files using the wbemexec command. You can use the wbemexec
command to execute CIM operations, such as create class or create instance, in the XML file.
For more information on maintaining the repository, see “Maintaining the repository” (page 31).
MOF compiler
The MOF compiler reads all the MOF files and loads the information in the CIM repository.
An MOF file is a text representation of CIM classes.
MOF standards are defined by the DMTF, and are explained in the tutorial section of CIM
Managed Object Format at http://www.dmtf.org/education/cimtutorial.
HTTPS server
HP WBEM Services includes an embedded HTTPS server, which handles communication
between the HP WBEM Services and the clients. This HTTPS server is not a web server. It
receives only valid CIM messages and rejects any other HTTP request.
For more information on the HTTPS server and how it operates, see “How HP WBEM Services
works?” (page 8)
Provider agent
When CIM Server receives a request for information, it creates a process or a provider agent.
This agent or process, loads the respective provider library. If an existing provider agent is
running, in the same user context as the new request, the existing provider agent is used.
Figure 1 is a representation of the HP WBEM Services components and how they interact when a
valid client request is received.
Figure 1 HP WBEM Services Components
HP WBEM Services architecture 7