HP-UX Workload Manager Toolkits User's Guide

HP-UX WLM Oracle Database Toolkit: Providing Database Metrics to WLM
How do I use the metrics?
Chapter 2 47
# Have HP-UX WLM give alpha_grp three CPU shares for each user.
slo alpha_slo {
pri = 1;
mincpu = 20;
maxcpu = 70;
entity = PRM group alpha_grp;
cpushares = 3 total per metric oracle.alpha.user_cnt;
# Have HP-UX WLM give beta_grp three CPU shares for each user.
slo beta_slo {
pri = 1;
mincpu = 20;
maxcpu = 70;
entity = PRM group beta_grp;
cpushares = 3 total per metric oracle.beta.user_cnt;
# Have HP-UX WLM give gamma_grp three CPU shares for each user.
slo gamma_slo {
pri = 1;
mincpu = 20;
maxcpu = 70;
entity = PRM group gamma_grp;
cpushares = 3 total per metric oracle.gamma.user_cnt;
# Have HP-UX WLM give workload static_instances a fixed allocation of 30
# CPU shares. Instances larry, moe, and curly will collectively use this
# allocation. The priority of the workload is set very low, thus giving
# preference to the Oracle workloads over the long_batch jobs.
slo static_instances_fixed {
pri = 10;
cpushares = 30 total;
entity = PRM group static_instances;