HP Caliper 5.3 User Guide (5900-1558, February 2011)

Number of non-return indirect branches mispredicted due to wrong branch direction.
Number of non-return indirect branches mispredicted due to wrong target for taken branch.
Number of correctly predicted (outcome and target) return branches retired.
Number of return branches mispredicted due to wrong branch direction.
Number of return branches mispredicted due to wrong target for taken branch.
Number of variable clock cycles. (When charge rationing is on, the period of the cycle could
change.) It does not count cycles when the CPU is in low power mode.
Total Predictions
Total number of branch predictions.
Percent Correct Predictions
Percentage of branch predictions that predicted correctly.
Percent Wrong Paths
Percentage of branch predictions that mispredicted the branch predicate.
Percent Wrong Branch Targets
Percentage of branch predictions that mispredicted the branch target.
Percent iprel branch
Percentage of IP-relative branches among all branches.
Percent ind branch
Percentage of non-return indirect branches among all branches.
Percent ret branch
Percentage of return branches among all branches.
Percent iprel correct predictions
Percentage of IP-relative branches that predicted correctly.
Percent iprel wrong paths
Percentage of IP-relative branches that mispredicted the branch predicate.
Percent iprel wrong branch targets
Percentage of IP-relative branches that mispredicted the branch target.
Percent ind correct predictions
Percentage of non-return indirect branches that predicted correctly.
Percent ind wrong paths
Percentage of non-return indirect branches that mispredicted the branch predicate.
Percent ind wrong branch targets
Percentage of non-return indirect branches that mispredicted the branch target.
branch Measurement Report Description 173