HP Caliper 5.3 User Guide (5900-1558, February 2011)

2 Getting Started with the HP Caliper Command-Line
This chapter provides some example programs to show you how to get started using the HP Caliper
command-line interface. The programs are chosen for illustration purposes and are not necessarily
representative of programs you might actually want to analyze.
Example: Running fprof on a Short Program, with Default Output
HP Caliper provides many types of performance measurements. You typically specify which type
of measurement to perform by the first argument to the caliper command.
A good measurement to start with is fprof (flat profile), which will show you the parts of your
application that have the highest CPU usage. When you specify fprof, HP Caliper samples your
application's instruction pointer (IP) at regular intervals (every 500,000 CPU cycles by default)
and reports which functions and source lines incurred the most IP sample hits. Because HP Caliper
uses samples, rather than precise counts, measurement intrusion is kept to a minimum.
To illustrate, let us collect fprof data on a run of an example program called matmul. First, we
will compile matmul with full optimization enabled:
$ /opt/ansic/bin/cc -Aa +O3 -o matmul matmul.c
Now we will have HP Caliper collect performance data for one run of matmul:
$ caliper fprof ./matmul
Once matmul exits, HP Caliper writes a text report to stdout (by default) as shown in
Figure 2 (page 21).
The numbers (which are bold in the PDF version of this guide) are annotations to explain the
report—they are not part of the output you receive. See the list at the end of the report for the
20 Getting Started with the HP Caliper Command-Line Interface