HP Caliper 5.3 User Guide (5900-1558, February 2011)

--etb-walkback-cycles integer
Controls the number of cycles to walk back when iterating from the most recent execution trace
buffer (ETB) entry to the oldest ETB entry.
Use this option to change the way in which HP Caliper picks the instruction pointer (IP) samples
from the 16 IP entries in an ETB sample. When iterating from the most recent entry, HP Caliper
computes the cumulative elapsed cycles by adding up each entry's bubble cycles plus one cycle
per entry. When an entry is reached for which the cumulative elapsed cycles is greater than or
equal to the integer specified in this option, that entry is picked as the IP sample.
For more information and an example, see “--etb-freeze-delay” (p. 59).
--event-defaults [privilege-level-mask=level][:threshold=int]
Controls where and when HP Caliper measures events while your application is executing. You
can use this option to set the default privilege level for all PMU events (including the sampling
privilege-level-mask=level Determines the privilege level setting for a given counter.
By default, counters are measured when your application
runs in user space (user) The privilege levels available
You can abbreviate this qualifier to PLM. The qualifier is not
threshold=int An integer value that specifies how HP Caliper counts events.
If the value is zero, HP Caliper counts all events.
If the value is greater than zero, HP Caliper counts only
the CPU cycles in which the number of events is greater
than or equal to the value you specify.
The default value is zero.
Assume that you want to capture samples containing the:
Number of cycles during which three or more FP_OPS_RETIRED events occurred, while
executing in kernel space
Number of cycles during which four or more NOPS_RETIRED events occurred, in user space
Total number of NOPS_RETIRED at all levels
In addition, assume that you want the samples to be captured every time 10,000 cycles occur,
during which two or more IA64_INST_RETIRED events occur, at all privilege levels.
Use this combination of options:
caliper pmu_trace
--event-defaults PLM=all:threshold=3
--sampling-spec 10000,,IA64_INST_RETIRED:TH=2
60 HP Caliper Options