HP Caliper Linux Release Notes

workaround to this problem is to boot the system with the nohalt kernel option,
which prevents the processor from going into the idle state. Generally, this means
adding this option to the appropriate configuration lines in the elilo.conf file,
which typically resides in
On some Linux systems (notably SuSE) with only a Firefox browser, selecting Help
in the GUI might not do anything. This is due to the which command being aliased
to type -p. There are two possible workarounds: either unalias which or create
a symlink in /usr/bin for mozilla. That is: ln -s /usr/bin/firefox
There is an issue with the --scope system option. Since the --exclude-idle
option is not supported on Linux, the kernel idle process can swamp the data
presented in a system-wide report. This is especially true for an fprof or
pmu_trace report; it is much less so for other collection measurements.
If a user runs HP Caliper on Linux in system-wide mode without root permission,
the report will not show data for processes that are not owned by the user. The
workaround is to start the system-wide measurement run with root permission.
8 Known Problems and Workarounds