HP Caliper User Guide Release 5.5 (5900-2351, August 2012)

metric provides the average number of requests that are live in the OOQ per cycle. High
numbers of OOQ entries indicates excessive snoop response timing.
snoop Event Set
Available only on Itanium 9300 quad-core processor systems.
The snoop event set provides data about snoop responses.
If you use this event set, the default is to make the measurements irrespective of CPU operating
state (that is, user, system, or interrupt states). By default, the idle state is not included in the
measurement. You can use command-line options to limit the scope of the measurement. Specifically,
you can:
Limit measurement to a specific privilege level: -m event_set[:all|user|kernel]
Include idle: --exclude-idle False
Exclude the interruption state: --measure-on-interrupts off
Only measure the interruption state: --measure-on-interrupts only
Metrics Available from this Measurement
The following metrics are available from this event set. These descriptions do not take into account
any command-line options you might use.
Metrics Available for Intel Itanium 2 and dual core Itanium 2 processor systems
The metrics are:
Snoops Per Sec
Number of all snoops per second.
Percentage of snoops that are code snoops.
Percentage of snoops that are data snoops.
Percentage snoops that are invalid snoops.
128 Byte - Miss
This is the fraction of 128-byte data snoops that miss, out of all data snoops (64-byte and
128 Byte - Hit
This is the fraction of 128-byte data snoops that hit a cache line, out of all data snoops (64-byte
and 128-byte).
128 Byte - Hitm
This is the fraction of 128-byte data snoops that hit a modified cache line, out of all data
snoops (64-byte and 128-byte).
128 Byte - Impwb
This is the fraction of 128-byte data snoops that are due to implicit write backs, out of all data
snoops (64-byte and 128-byte).
64 Byte - Miss
This is the fraction of 64-byte data snoops that miss, out of all data snoops (64-byte and
256 Event Set Descriptions for CPU Metrics