HP Caliper User Guide Release 5.5 (5900-2351, August 2012)

page walker (HPW) is invoked to insert the required page into the level 2 TLB, which is then
forwarded to the level 1 data TLB.
This counts the number of cycles stalled due to a level 2 data TLB miss during the time the
HPW is actively attempting to resolve the requested TLB entry. If the entry is not in the cache,
the HPW will terminate and initiate a trap to software to provide the required TLB entry. This
component counts the stall component only due to the HPW providing the required TLB entry.
Time spent in the software trap handler is not counted in this component.
This counts the number of cycles stalled due to data cache misses at any level of the cache
hierarchy (L1, L2, L3). Due to event limitations, it is not possible to distinguish between freg-freg
and freg-load dependencies. This has the unfortunate effect of counting either scoreboard
cycles as data cache cycles or data access cycles as scoreboard cycles. This implementation
allocates all floating-point stalls to the data cache category. This has the implication that some
floating-point register dependency stalls that should be allocated to the scoreboard category
will be incorrectly allocated to the data cache category.
RSE Active
This counts the number of cycles that the pipeline is stalled due to the Register Save Engine
spilling/filling registers to/from memory.
Metrics Available for Intel® Itanium® 9500 series systems
On Intel® Itanium® 9500 processor systems, the metrics "Branch" (under FE components), BE
Flush, Scoreboard, L1Dtlb , L2Dtlb and Dcache are replaced by the metrics described below.
FE Misc
Percentage of backend cycles stalled that were due to the frontend, caused by reasons other
than instruction access.
Reg Loads
Percentage of backend cycles stalled because of register loads.
BE Replay
Percentage of backend cycles stalled due to various replays.
BE Sched
Percentage of backend cycles lost to scheduling stalls (floating point and load-to-load address
scheduling stalls).
Percentage of backend cycles stalled due to writeback (WB2) flushes, indirectly attributable
to branches.
BE Misc
Percentage of backend cycles lost due to other stalls in the backend.
sysbus Event Set
Available only on Itanium 2 and dual-core Itanium 2 systems.
The sysbus event set provides data on system bus utilization and its breakdown into:
Transaction originator (all, local cpu, io)
Transaction type (brl, bril, bil, bwl, partial)
If you use this option, you must use the --bus-speed option.
If you use this event set, the default is to make the measurements irrespective of CPU operating
state (that is, user, system, or interrupt states). By default, the idle state is not included in the
sysbus Event Set 259