HP Caliper User Guide Release 5.5 (5900-2351, August 2012)

This value only takes effect if the cumulative percent column is selected
for the report.
min_count Sets the minimum number of functions to be displayed for all load
Default value is 5.
For example, if you specify the command line:
caliper fprof --summary-cutoff ,80 wordplay
The contents of the function summary section will be a list of functions containing:
The functions that account for 80 percent of the total IP samples in the wordplay program.
Only those functions that each account for more than 0.1 percent of total samples for all load
modules. Since percent_cutoff was not specified, HP Caliper used the default value, 0.1
Specifies a list of processes to analyze, in the system-wide mode (-w option). A comma-separated
list of process ids (pids) following '=' specifies the processes to be analyzed. This option is used
to reduce the overhead of Caliper in the system-wide mode.
NOTE: With this HP Caliper option, you must use a qualifier or an equals sign ('='). You cannot
use --sw-process-list as the option. You must use --sw-process-list=.
--system-model (Linux only)
--system-model model-number,number-of-cells
Specifies the system model number and number of locality domains for reporting latency buckets
with the dcache measurement.
This option is necessary if you want HP Caliper to report system-specific latency buckets on Linux.
If you do not use this option, a default set of latency buckets will be used.
On HP-UX, HP Caliper automatically obtains the model number using the model command.
For more information, see dcache Measurement Report Description” (page 191).
--system-model rx8640,1
Controls the collection and reporting of system usage data.
runstatus Measure how much time each process spent running, eligible to run but not running,
and waiting.
cpu Measure how much of each process or thread was spent on each CPU and how
often the process or thread was moved to another CPU.
io Measure how much of each process or thread was spent on I/O reads and writes.
syscalls Measure the count and time spent in every system call called by a process.
all Measure everything specified by runstatus and syscalls.
The default value is all.
--sw-process-list= 73