HP-UX Containers (SRP) A.03.01.004 Release Notes (5992-5696, September 2012)

/opt/hpsrp/bin/util/srp_config: problem adding container_name
If you see these errors, take the following mitigation steps to create one or more separate file systems
for the containers that are reported in the log. You can add more space for the new containers if
1) Stop all containers and determine the size needed for the /var/hpsrp directory.
Stop all containers to remove LOFS file references for sizing:
# srp stop batch
Get the size of /var/hpsrp in KB (for example, 13,775,048 KB):
# du sk /var/hpsrp
2) Create a new file system where you can migrate the container content.
Determine the existing volume group and available space for the new logical volume:
# vgdisplay –v
Assume that the new FS size requirement is 13500 MB, and that the available logical volume
lvol4 is on /dev/vg00.
# lvcreate L 13500 -n lvol4 /dev/vg00
Create the file system on the logical volume:
# newfs F vxfs /dev/vg00/rlvol4
3) Mount the new file system at /var/hpsrp.
Rename the container directory to prepare for the copy:
# mv /var/hpsrp /var/hpsrp.backup
Create a new mount point:
# mkdir m 555 /var/hpsrp
Make the file system accessible:
# mount /dev/vg00/lvol4 /var/hpsrp
Add the new file system information to the global /etc/fstab file.
For example, add the following line to the /etc/fstab file:
/dev/vg00/lvol4 /var/hpsrp vxfs delaylog 0 2
4) Copy the existing container data to the new file system.
Copy all files excluding UNIX domain sockets into the new file system, preserving the file
# cd /var/hpsrp.backup
# find . ! type s | /usr/bin/cpio updmx /var/hpsrp
5) Reboot the system.
# shutdown –r
After the reboot, all containers will be configured successfully.