HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

8. Click OK to create the new group. It appears in the right pane.
To edit a static group, double-click the group entry, and make the changes in the editor window.
To view the changes, go to the View menu, and select Refresh.
The Console for managing static groups may not display all possible selections during a search
operation if there is no VLV index for users' search. This problem occurs only when the number of
users is 1000 or more and there is no VLV index for search. To work around the problem, create
a VLV index for the users suffix with the filter (objectclass=person) and scope sub-tree.
5.4.2 Managing dynamic groups
Dynamic groups filter users based on their DN and include them in a single group.
1. In the Directory Server Console, select the Directory tab.
2. In the left pane, right-click the entry under which to add a new group, and select NewGroup.
220 Organizing Entries with roles, Class of service, and Views