HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

added to the managedType attribute pointing back to the entry the client modified. If the entry
being pointed to does not exist, the plug-in simply allows the operation to be performed.
When a client updates the linkType attribute to remove a value, the managedType attribute
value pointing back to the modified entry is also removed. If the entry or back-pointer value does
not exist, the plug-in will simply allow the operation to be performed.
If an entry is deleted, all entries pointing to the entry being deleted will have their pointer to the
deleted entry. This pointer will exist for both forward and backward links.
If the MODRDN operation is pointed to an entry that has either a linkType or managedType
attribute, the links pointing to the renamed entry will be updated to use the new DN.
The linked attribute plug-in will allow the client to update the managedType attribute. HP
recommends you to use ACI, to not allow the manual creation of a back pointer.
Fixup Task
A fixup task fixes any broken links or to populate the managed attribute after an import, where
only the linkType attribute exists. This works similar to the memberOf fixup task.
The task entry optionally contains a link dn, which is the dn of a linked attribute pair configuration
entry that you want to fix up. If no link dn is provided, all configured linked attribute pairs will be
fixed up.
The fixup task removes all managed values within its scope or the backend. The task then finds all
the link attribute values and creates backpointers.
Use the following command to initiate the fixup task:
ldapmodify -a -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret -p \
389 -h server.example.com
dn: cn=example task,cn=fixup linked attributes,cn=tasks,cn=config
changetype: add
cn: example-task
ttl: 5
A command line script fixup-linkedattrs.pl is used to create the fixup task.
/opt/dirsrv/slapd-instace_name/fixup-linkedattrs.pl \
-D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password
In a multi-master replication, each master is responsible for updating the managed attributes. This
requires the linked attribute pairs to be defined on all masters, and fractional replication to be
setup to exclude the managed attributes. This approach is similar to the memberOf plug-in.
5.5 Support links between two attributes 231