HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

The object class definition contains several components:
An OID, usually a dot-separated number
A unique name, in the form NAME name
A description, in the form DESC description
The superior, or parent, object class for this object class, in the form SUP object_class; if
there is no related parent, use SUP top
The word AUXILIARY, which gives the type of entry to which the object class applies;
AUXILIARY means it can apply to any entry
A list of required attributes, preceded by the word MUST; to include multiple attributes, enclose
the group in parentheses and separate with attributes with dollar signs ($)
A list of allowed attributes, preceded by the word MAY; to include multiple attributes, enclose
the group in parentheses and separate with attributes with dollar signs ($)
The object class definition is added to the custom schema file, 99user.ldif, by by running an
LDAP command and modifying the cn=schema entry. For example:
ldapmodify -h example.com -p 389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret
dn: cn=schema
changetype: modify
add: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( 2.16.840.1133730.2.123 NAME 'examplePerson' DESC 'Ex\
ample Person Object Class' SUP inetorgPerson AUXILIARY MUST cn MAY
(exampleDateOfBirth $ examplePreferredOS) )
10.5.3 Deleting schema
Never delete default schema elements. Those are required by the Directory Server to run.
1. Remove the unwanted attributes from any entries that use them, then from any object classes
in the schema file that accept that attribute. Likewise, to remove an object class, remove it
from any entries.
2. Run ldapmodify to remove the attribute. For example:
ldapmodify -h example.com -p 389 -D "cn=directory manager" -w secret
dn: cn=config
changetype: delete
delete: objectclasses: ( 2.16.840.1133730.2.123 NAME 'examplePerson' DESC
'Example Person Object Class' SUP inetorgPerson AUXILIARY MUST cn MAY
(exampleDateOfBirth $ examplePreferredOS) )
Be sure to specify the exact object class or attribute to remove; using only the
attributetypes or objectclasses attribute without the value will delete every
user-defined attribute or object class in the file.
If the custom attribute or object class is in a custom schema file other than 99user.ldif, edit the
file directly. Neither the Directory Server Console nor LDAP tools can edit a schema file other than
10.5 Managing schema using ldapmodify 441