HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

11.4.3 Deleting browsing indexes from the server console
To delete a browsing index through the Directory Server Console:
1. Select the Directory tab.
2. Select the entry from which to delete the index in the navigation tree, and select Delete Browsing
Index from the Object menu.
Alternatively, select and right-click the entry of the index to delete in the navigation tree, then
choose Delete Browsing Index from the pop-up menu.
3. A Delete Browsing Index dialog box appears asking you to confirm the deletion of the index.
Click Yes.
4. The Delete Browsing Index dialog box appears displaying the status of the index deletion.
11.4.4 Deleting browsing indexes from the command line
Deleting a browsing index or virtual list view (VLV) index from the command line involves two steps:
1. Using the ldapdelete to delete browsing index entries or edit existing browsing index
entries (“Deleting a browsing index entry” (page 464)).
2. Running the vlvindex script to generate the new set of browsing indexes to be maintained
by the server (“Running the vlvindex script” (page 465)).
Alternatively, launch an appropriate task under cn=tasks, cn=config (“Using a cn=tasks
entry to create a browsing index” (page 460)).
The actual entries for an alphabetical browsing index and virtual list view are the same. The
following sections describe the steps involved in deleting browsing indexes. Deleting a browsing index entry
Use the ldapdelete command line utility to either delete browsing indexing entries or edit existing
browsing index entries. To delete browsing indexes for a particular database, remove the browsing
index entries from the cn=index,cn=database_name,cn=ldbm
database,cn=plugins,cn=config entry, where cn=database_name corresponds to the
name of the database.
For example, there is a browsing index for accelerating ldapsearch operations on the entry
ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. It held in the Example1 database where the search base
is ou=People,dc=example,dc=com, the search filter is
(|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry)), the scope is 1, and the sorting order
for the returned attributes is cn, givenName, o, ou, and sn.
1. Run ldapdelete.
ldapdelete -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w secret -h ExampleServer
-p 389 "cn=MCC ou=People dc=example dc=com, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database,
cn=plugins, cn=config"
"cn=by MCC ou=People dc=example dc=com,cn=MCC ou=People
dc=example dc=com, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config"
For full information on ldapdelete options, see the HP-UX Directory Server configuration,
command, and file reference.
2. To delete this browsing index, delete the two corresponding browsing index entries:
dn: cn=MCC ou=People dc=example dc=com, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins, cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: vlvSearch
cn: MCC ou=People dc=example dc=com
vlvBase: ou=People, dc=example,dc=com
vlvScope: 1 vlvFilter: (|(objectclass=*)(objectclass=ldapsubentry))
dn: cn=by MCC ou=People dc=example dc=com,cn=MCC ou=People
dc=example dc=com, cn=userRoot, cn=ldbm database, cn=plugins,cn=config
objectClass: top
objectClass: vlvIndex
cn: by MCC ou=People dc=example dc=com
vlvSort: cn givenName o ou sn
464 Managing Indexes