HP-UX Directory Server Administrator Guide HP-UX Directory Server Version 8.1 (5900-3098, May 2013)

data, 147
databases, 30
deleting entries, 110
file locations, 18
importing data, 147
international character sets, 573
login, 21
managing entries, 96
MIB, 534
modifying entries, 101
monitoring, 508
monitoring from command line, 523
monitoring with SNMP, 531
overview, 18
performance counters, 519
64-bit, 519, 524, 535
64-bit integers, 529
reloading schema, 443
cn=schema reload task, 444
schema-reload.pl, 443
starting and stopping, 20
starting the Console, 20
suffixes, 30
supported languages, 574
Directory Server Console
starting, 20
directory trees
finding entries in, 556
disabling suffixes, 37
disk space
access log and, 510
log files and, 513
distributed number assignment, 132
about ranges, 132
basic example, 134
complete example, 135
configuring, 136, 137
Directory Server behavior, 132
for attributes, 133
overview, 132
scope, 133
syntax, 134, 135
transfer range example, 134
distribution function, 41
dn field (LDIF), 547
dns keyword, 251
providing feedback, 543
reporting errors in, 543
dse.ldif file
backing up, 161
restoring, 165
durable transactions, 541
dynamic groups, 220
creating, 220
modifying, 223
attributes, 438
object classes, 438
Enabling Different Types of Binds, 315
Secure Binds, 315
Ability to shut off anonymous access, 315
database, 47
end of file marker, 111
entity table, 536
adding an object class, 102
adding attributes, 104
adding using LDIF, 112
adding using LDIF update statements, 121
adding very large attributes, 107
creating, 98
using LDIF, 549
deleting, 110
using ldapdelete, 114
deleting using LDIF update statements, 126
distribution, 39
finding, 556
managing, 96
managing from command line, 111
managing from console, 96
modifying, 101
using ldapmodify, 112
using LDIF update statements, 123
moving, 123
order of creation, 111
order of deletion, 114
removing an object class, 104
renaming, 123
root, 552
targeting, 236
entry distribution, 39
entry ID list, 465
environment variables
EOF marker, 111
equality index, 449
equality search, 561
example, 562
international example, 567
errors log
access control information, 272
configuring, 511
manually rotating, 513
turning off, 511
turning on, 511
viewing, 511
cascading chaining, 82
exporting data, 154
cn=tasks, 159
db2ldif, 158
db2ldif.pl, 158
encrypted database, 51
using console, 155