Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX Version 6.10 Administration Guide (5900-1418, March 2011)

Figure 36 Horde Settings Form
2. Fill out the form. Table 20 describes the settings.
3. Click Submit to make the necessary changes. A status message is displayed when complete.
Table 20 Horde Settings
Select this box to display help links on the user's pages.Display Help Links
Click the value to use in the PHP error_reporting function to configure the amount
and types of PHP errors displayed on the user's screen. For more information, see:
PHP error level
Enter the number of seconds allowed for a PHP script to execute before returning a
fatal error. Setting this to 0 means there is no limit.
Max execution time (sec)
Enter the name for the session shared by all Horde applications.Session name
When generating full URLs, specify whether to use https or http as the protocol. Never
will never use SSL, Always will always generate https URLs, and Auto will attempt
to autodetect which method to use.
If selected, then pages over a certain size will be compressed and sent to the user's
browser as gzip-encoded data. This will– increase CPU usage but can dramatically
decrease the size of pages resulting in faster delivery of information, especially over
slower connections.
Compress pages
IMP Webmail Administration 149