Mobile IPv6 A.01.00 Release Notes

HP-UX Mobile IPv6 A.01.00 Release Notes
What’s Included in HP-UX Mobile IPv6 A.01.00
HP-UX Mobile IPv6 A.01.00 is the first release of the product. There are no defect fixes
included in this version. HP will include defect fixes for reported defects subsequent releases.
Contact your HP support representative to report a defect in HP-UX Mobile IPv6.
Known Problems
HP-UX Mobile IPv6 A.01.00 contains the following known problems:
•The mip6config> exit command does not terminate the mip6config session after
verifying the file for unsaved data.
Workaround: Use the mip6config> quit command to terminate the mip6config
Availability in Native Languages
HP-UX Mobile IPv6 A.01.00 includes the following message catalogs for the mip6admin and
mip6config tools that can be localized into various languages: