lifcp.1 (2010 09)

lifcp(1) lifcp(1)
The default copying modes when copying from LIF to HP-UX are summarized in the following table:
File Type Default Copying Mode
other RAW
When copying from HP-UX to LIF, the default copying mode is ASCII and an ASCII file is created.
When copying from LIF to LIF, if no options are specified, then all the LIF directory fields and file con-
tents are duplicated from source to destination.
A LIF file name is recognized by the embedded colon (
:) delimiter (see lif (4) for LIF file naming conven-
tions). A LIF directory is recognized by a trailing colon. If an HP-UX file name containing a colon is
used, the colon must be escaped with two backslash characters (
\\) (the shell removes one of them).
The file name
- (dash) is interpreted to mean standard input or standard output, depending on its posi-
tion in the argument list. This is particularly useful if the data requires nonstandard translation. When
copying from standard input, if no other name can be found, the name "STDIN" is used.
LIF file naming conventions are known only to the LIF utilities. Since file name expansion is done by the
shell, this mechanism cannot be used for expanding LIF file names.
Do not mount the special file while using
lifcp returns exit code 0 if the file is copied successfully. Otherwise it prints a diagnostic and returns
Copy HP-UX le
abc to LIF file CDE on LIF volume lifvol
which is actually an HP-UX file initial-
ized to be a LIF volume:
lifcp abc lifvol:CDE
Copy all the HP-UX files in the current directory to the LIF volume lifvol
which is present in the
parent directory. File names are translated to appropriate LIF file names.
lifcp -t * ../lifvol:
Copy all the HP-UX object files in the current directory to the LIF volume lifvol . Copying mode is RAW
and LIF file types are set to -5555.
lifcp -r -T -5555 -t *.o lifvol:
Copy all the object files in the current directory to the LIF volume lifvol. Copying mode is BINARY
and LIF BINARY files are created.
lifcp -r -T 0xffffe961 -i 0x20200080 bdat lifvol:BDAT
Copy a BDAT file, without a password, from a BASIC WorkStation to an HP-UX LIF volume lifvol.
Note that
-i controls protection and record size attributes. The file type for a BDAT file is -5791 (or
0xffffe961) and its record size is 256 bytes per record.
lifcp -b *.o lifvol:
Copy all files in the current directory to the LIF volume lifvol in the root directory. Copying mode
is RAW and LIF file types are set to BIN.
lifcp -r -t * /lifvol:
Copy file abc: to LIF file CDE in lifvol.
lifcp abc\\: lifvol:CDE
Copy files abc and def to LIF files ABC and DEF within lifvol.
lifcp -t abc def lifvol:
Copy LIF file ABC within lifvol to file ABC within current directory.
2 Hewlett-Packard Company 2 HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010