netmgr_iether.1m (2011 09)

nwmgr_iether(1M) nwmgr_iether(1M)
The nwmgr command provides the following operations for the iether interface.
--cra Operation to perform Critical Resource Analysis on the interface.
--diag | --diagnose Operation to diagnose/test link connectivity.
-g | --get Operation to get/display interface settings.
-h | --help Operation to display help information.
-r | --reset Operation to reset interface or statistics.
-s | --set Operation to set the attributes of the interface.
nwmgr command provides the following options for the
iether interface. For more information
about these options, refer to nwmgr(1M).
-A | --attribute Operation to assign attributes for the operation.
Attributes that can be used for
iether interfaces are described in the Attri-
butes section below.
-c | --class_instance
Specifies the target interface on which the operation is to be performed.
iether, the target interface is of the form: lanPPA
where PPA is the physical point of attachment.
--fr | --from Specifies the configuration from which the operation will copy data. The
option takes current or saved as argument.
-it | --iteration Specifies how many test frame to send during a diagnose operation. The
default is 1.
-q | --subsystem_qualifier
Specifies a generic target qualifier was used to specify a subsystem specific tar-
get qualifier.
The arguments supported for
iether are info and vpd.
info Provides more information on the instance of the
iether subsystem;
such as, the hardware path, feature capabilities, current feature set-
tings, the assigned NMID, speed, and MTU of the card.
vpd Provides vital product data (VPD) which is a standardize set of read-
only properties for an interface, including Manufactured Data for the
NIC and the firmware versions.
-S | --subsystem Specifies the target subsystem for the operation. For iether subsystem, the
option argument will always be iether.
--sa | --saved Specifies that the operation has to be performed on the saved configuration
(per sistent store).
-sc | --script Display the output in script parseable format.
--st | --stats Specifies that the operation applies to the statistics of the target.
-v | --verbose Option to display more details in the output.
The valid attributes for the
iether interface are:
asset_tag Asset tag is a alpha-numeric string in Vital Product Data (VPD). System
administrator can modify asset tag in the VPD using this option.
The maximum length of asset tag is:
6 characters for PCI-X interfaces.
19 characters for PCIe interfaces.
dest=mac_addr Ethernet MAC address of the remote interface. Used with the diagnose
2 Hewlett-Packard Company 2 HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2011