nettl.1m (2010 09)

nettl(1M) nettl(1M)
9. Enable all kinds of tracing for gelan (GELAN driver) with initial trace memory being 256 MB.
Binary trace data goes to file
/tmp/gelan.TRC000 and combined file size being 128 MB. This
example assumes that the
-traceon option is being used for the first time.
nettl -tn all -e gelan -mem 256M -tm 128M -f /tmp/gelan
10. Enable all kinds of tracing for igelan (IGELAN driver) with initial trace memory being 128 MB and
maximum memory that can be allocated being 512 MB. Binary trace data goes to file
. Also, bind the disk-write process to processor 1. This example assumes
that the
-traceon option is being used for the first time.
nettl -tn all -e gelan -mem 128M 512M -b 1 -f /tmp/gelan
Warning: Trace file size is less than that required by the
tracing framework. Use ’nettl -status TRACE’ to see the actual
trace file size that is used.
nettl -ss TRACE
Tracing Information:
Trace Filename: /tmp/gelan.TRC*
Max Trace file size(Kbytes): 65536
Trace memory allocated(KB): 131072
Trace memory to be allocated(KB): 393216
Messages Dropped: 0
Processor ID: -1
Note that the combined trace file size used is 64 MB (as buffer size = 64 MB/2).
11. Terminate the tracing and logging facility.
nettl -stop
(See note for the -start option.)
12. Add a filter configuration file entry to capture packets that have the
Syn, Ack and Syn-Ack flags
subsystem NS_LS_TCP th_flags==SA
13. Add the filter expression to filter configuration file
filter_file and set the filter.
nettl -sfl filter_file
14. Turn the filter on for the NS_LS_TCP subsystem.
nettl -flon NS_LS_TCP
15. Turn the filter off for the NS_LS_TCP subsystem.
nettl -floff NS_LS_TCP
16. Display the filter for the GELAN subsystem.
nettl -dfl GELAN
17. Remove the filter for the NS_LS_TCP subsystem.
nettl -rfl NS_LS_TCP
18. Enable different NS_LS operands, by combining subsystems.
subsystem NS_LS_IP ip_src==<ipaddress>
subsystem NS_LS_TCP th_dport==23
Although the nettl command allows the specification of all log classes and all trace kinds for all subsys-
tems, many subsystems do not support all log classes and all trace kinds. No error or warning will be
issued if a subsystem does not support a log class or trace kind. Refer to the product documentation of
the subsystem for information on supported log classes and trace kinds.
Tracing to a file that resides on a NFS file system can impact system performance and result in loss of
trace data. It is recommended that NFS file systems not be used to contain tracing output files.
Tracing to a file may not be able to keep up with a busy system, especially when extensive tracing infor-
mation is being gathered. If some data loss is encountered, the trace buffer size can be increased. Be
10 Hewlett-Packard Company 10 HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010