parmodify2.1m (2010 09)

For OA Based Partition Management Systems
As a percentage (ratio). The percent number can be any number in the
range 0 - 100 with a suffix of "%". This number will be rounded up to
12.5%, 25%, 37.5%, 50%, 62.5%, 75%, 87% or 100%. If the blade contains
less than 4 GB memory, then the percentage will be rounded to 25%, 50%,
75% or 100%. The specified percentage is applied each time the nPartition
boots, thus resulting in a different value if the working memory in the
blade is different. For example, a blade in an nPartition has 8 GB memory
and the user specifies 50% SLM. When the nPartition boots, 4 GB of that
blade’s memory will be used as SLM. Later the user shuts down the nPar-
tition, adds another 8 GB memory to that blade. When the nPartition is
booted again, the blade now has 16 GB of memory, so 8 GB (50%) is allo-
cated as SLM.
As an absolute number (default). This can also be optionally suffixed by
"GB". The slm_value is interpreted as an absolute number of gigabytes of
memory. Numbers other than integers and halves are rounded up to the
nearest 0.5 GB. For example, 2.5 GB will not be rounded up. However 2.3
GB will be rounded up to 2.5 GB. For example, a blade in an nPartition
has 8 GB memory and the user specifies 4 GB SLM. When the nPartition
boots 4 GB of that blade’s memory will be used as SLM. Later the user
shuts down the nPartition, adds another 8 GB memory to that blade.
When the nPartition is booted again, the blade now has 16 GB of memory,
but the SLM is still 4 GB.
-a io:iobay_path:[use_on_next_boot][
Assigns the specified I/O bay to the nPartition. To assign multiple I/O bays to the
nPartition, multiple
-a options should be used.
specifies the I/O bay resource path. It can be specified in short, medium, or
long format. For example, I/O bay 1 with enclosure 7 can be specified in the
short format as
7/1, in the medium format as iobay-7/1, or in the long for-
mat as enclosure7/iobay1
specifies whether the I/O bay will participate in a reboot. The valid values for
use_on_next_boot are:
y participate in reboot. This is the default.
n do not participate in reboot.
field is used by system firmware when an nPartition is booted. If a failure
happens during the I/O bay activation, then this flag is used by the system
firmware to determine whether or not and how the I/O bay should be
integrated into the nPartition at boot time. The valid failure_usage values for
I/O bay are:
ri specifies to integrate the I/O bay as it would normally be
integrated. This is the default.
deconfig reactivate the nPartition with the I/O bay excluded from activa-
-c new_parspec_name
Creates a copy of an existing parspec. The source parspec can be specified by the -Z
or -p option. If -p option is specified, the current parspec of the nPartition
specified by -p is selected as source. The copy is given the specified
new_parspec_name name and is marked as an alternate parspec.
-d blade:blade_path Deletes the specified blade from the nPartition. To delete multiple blades from the
nPartition, multiple -d options should be used. If the blade which is being deleted
is an active blade then after the execution of the parmodify command, the user
must reboot the nPartition for the change to take effect. For an nPartition running
virtual partitions, individual virtual partitions have to be shut down and the nParti-
tion rebooted for the change to take effect. Deletion of inactive blades does not
require a reboot of the nPartition.
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010 3 Hewlett-Packard Company 3