rdc.1m (2010 09)

rdc(1M) rdc(1M)
rdc - user interface for Routing Administration Manager (RAMD)
/usr/bin/rdc [-c coresize ][-f filesize ][
-n][-q][-t seconds ]{start}
/usr/bin/rdc ( stop | restart | running )(
ram | ripng | bgp | isis | all )
/usr/bin/rdc ( dump | coredump )(
ram | ripng | bgp | isis | all )
/usr/bin/rdc ( kill | term | reconfig |
toggletrace )
ram | ripng | bgp |
isis | all )
/usr/bin/rdc ( checkconf | checknew | newconf |
modeconf | createconf )
/usr/bin/rdc ( backout | BACKOUT )
/usr/bin/rdc interface { ram }
rdc provides a user-oriented interface for working with the
ramd and routing daemons.
ripngd, bgpd
and isisd are referred to as routing daemons.
rdc provides a command-line interface to start and stop
these daemons. In addition, it provides commands to check the configuration file for syntax errors, make
the daemon dump core, and dump the current state of the daemon.
rdc can reliably determine the running state of the routing protocols. This can be used in shell scripts to
manipulate ramd.
rdc supports the following command-line options:
-n Specifies that rdc does not change the kernel forwarding table while running ramd
and routing daemons. This option is useful to test the daemons, when the daemons
should operate as a route server that does not forward.
-q Suppresses the stderr messages of ramd and routing daemons. This option can be
used to suppress informational messages that are normally printed to the standard
output, and the log error messages through syslogd (1M).
-t seconds Specifies the time in seconds for which rdc waits to start, stop, reconfigure and ter-
minate daemons. By default, this value is set to 10 seconds.
-c coresize Specifies the maximum size of a core dump produced by the routing daemons invoked
using rdc.
-f filesize Specifies the maximum size of a file produced or created by the routing daemons
invoked using rdc.
The following commands are used to send HP-UX signals to
ramd or routing daemons for various pur-
coredump Sends an abort signal to the requested daemon and terminates the daemon with a
core dump. The core files are generated in the file /var/tmp/*/core, where * can
be ramd, ripngd, bgpd or isisd.
dump Sends a signal to the requested daemon to dump its current state into the
/var/tmp/*/*.dump, where * is one of the routing daemons.
kill Kills the daemon abruptly. This command is used when the daemon hangs.
reconfig Sends SIGHUP signal to the requested daemon to reread its configuration file and
reconfigure its current state.
term Sends SIGTERM signal to the requested daemon to terminate gracefully.
toggletrace Sends SIGUSR1 signal to the daemon to toggle the trace. If tracing is enabled, this
command causes tracing to be suspended and the trace file to be closed. If tracing is
disabled, the trace file is reopened and tracing initiated. This is useful to move the
trace files. If ramd or the routing daemon tracing is modified using this command
and the daemons are reconfigured with the trace options, the effect on tracing is with
respect to the configuration file.
HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010 1 Hewlett-Packard Company 1

Summary of content (4 pages)