semget.2 (2010 09)

semget(2) semget(2)
[EINVAL] nsems is either less than or equal to zero or greater than the system-imposed limit.
[EACCES] A semaphore identifier exists for key, but operation permission as specified by the
low-order 9 bits of semflg would not be granted.
[EINVAL] A semaphore identifier exists for key , but the number of semaphores in the set asso-
ciated with it is less than nsems , and nsems is not equal to zero.
[ENOENT] A semaphore identifier does not exist for key and (semflg &
[ENOSPC] A semaphore identifier is to be created, but the system-imposed limit on the max-
imum number of allowed semaphore identifiers system wide would be exceeded.
[EEXIST] A semaphore identifier exists for key but
((semflg& IPC_CREAT) && (semflg &
IPC_EXCL)) is "true".
ipcrm(1), ipcs(1), semctl(2), semop(2), stdipc(3C).
semget(): SVID2, SVID3, XPG2, XPG3, XPG4
2 Hewlett-Packard Company 2 HP-UX 11i Version 3: September 2010