Administrator's and User's Guide for SFM HP-UX 11i v3 March 2012

Memory instances
This section describes the memory instances.
Figure 21 Sample Memory property page
Table 28 (page 98) and Table 29 (page 99) describes the fields and enables you to interpret the
values displayed in Figure 21 (page 98).
Table 28 Description of the Memory Slots Fields and Values
DescriptionFields and Values
Indicates the status of the memory module. An OK status indicates that all the modules are
configured properly. If the status of the memory module indicates an error, click Events to see
the details of the errors.
Indicates the location of the memory. Attributes such as Cabinet Number, Cell Slot, and DIMM
Slot help narrow down the location of the memory module.
Indicates the capacity of the memory.Size
Indicates the type of the module.Module Type
Indicates the type of the memory.Memory Type
Indicates the serial number of the memory.Serial Number
98 Interpretation of HP SMH instances