Logtool Specifications

Hewlett-Packard STM: Logtool ERS * Revision 1.17
- Page 43 - Printed: 02/04/99 3:38 PM
Entry Index The entry index is used in combination with the entry time stamp
to build the entry ID for this error event.
Entry Version The entry version indicates the version of the header for the type of
log entry this is.
Time Stamp The date/time that the logger process logged this entry.
Hversion Hversion of the main processor.
Data Length The total length of the data portion of this entry.
System Overtemp Entry
This entry is logged by the system when an overtemp condition occurs. The header
for this entry contains the following fields:
Entry Length The total length of the entry including the header.
Entry Type The type of entry. The value for system overtemp entries is 3.
Entry Index The entry index is used in combination with the entry time stamp
to build the entry id for this error event.
Entry Version The entry version indicates the version of the header for the type of
log entry this is.
Time Stamp The date/time that the logger process logged this entry.
Data Length The total length of the data portion of this entry.
LVM Entry
This entry is logged by the Logical Volume Manager and typically contain
information concerning exception conditions that the manager encountered. The
header for this entry contains the following fields:
Entry Length The total length of the entry including the header.
Entry Type The type of entry. The value for LVM entries is 4.
Entry Index The entry index is used in combination with the entry time stamp
to build the entry ID for this error event.