Logtool Specifications

Hewlett-Packard STM: Logtool ERS * Revision 1.17
- Page 6 - Printed: 02/04/99 3:38 PM
2. Functional Overview
2.1. Tool Strategy
Logtool is an interactive utility that runs on the STM platform, providing users with
access to the system log files. Logtool has four main command categories: File,
View, Filters and Memory. The File commands allow the user to select log files,
switch log files, or exit (i.e., quit) Logtool. The View commands display summary
data on selected log files or the contents of the logs. The Filters commands enable the
user to set up formatting and display filters that can be used to specify exactly what
type of entries the user is interested in. The Memory commands allow the user to
recreate and /or view the contents of the memory log file and to set the interval for
polling for memory errors.
2.1.1. Assumptions
It is not currently anticipated that Logtool will need to log information of its own
into its Tool Activity Log. However, if errors are encountered by Logtool or the
STM service routines that it calls, error information may be written to this log to
assist in debugging. The type of errors that may be encountered and the
corresponding log information is not known at this time.
This specification addresses the logging strategy that is used on HP-UX systems.
If STM is ported to other operating systems, the logging strategy is likely to be
somewhat different than what is described in this document.
2.1.2. External Dependencies
Logtool is a log formatting display utility. The actual formatting of a raw log file
into a displaceable format is done in part by Logtool and in part by decode
routines at the request of Logtool, as will be discussed later.
2.1.3. Implementation Specific Errors and Corresponding Actions
It is not possible for this specification to address all of the potential conditions
which could arise in the course of any operating system running this utility.
Therefore, it is expected that the implementor of this utility will be responsible
for anticipating and addressing any implementation specific errors and/or actions
not identified in this specification.