ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note

ClusterPack V2.5 Release Note
Known Problems and Workarounds
Known Problems and Workarounds
ClusterPack V2.5 does not support secure shell ssh.
Giving clsh an unknown node name will cause the application to terminate.
The InfiniBand drivers are not active following a Golden Image installation of a Compute
Node. The IB4X-00 driver bundle can be swcopy'd to the ClusterPack depot
/var/opt/clusterpack/depot. If the InfiniBand drivers are in that depot,
compute_config will offer the user an option to re-install the drivers on the Compute
Nodes. Installation of the InfiniBand drivers will cause the Compute Nodes to reboot.
If the Management Server IP address is changed, System Images will not install on
Compute Nodes. Re-running sysimage_register for each image will correct the problem
and allow the System Images to be installed on the Compute Nodes.