HP-UX SNAplus2 RJE User's Guide

SNAplus2 RJE Components and Operation
Processing Input Data
Chapter 3 45
It separates text data into records at ASCII new-line characters, and
sends each line of the text as a separate record. If a line is longer
than the specified record length (see previous section), SNAplus2
RJE splits it into two (or more) records as necessary. For example, if
a line 100 bytes long is sent using the default record length of 80
bytes, it will split the line into an 80-byte record and a 20-byte
SNAplus2 RJE regards binary data as a continuous sequence of
bytes, and splits it into the maximum record size without scanning
for new-line characters.
Compressing Job Files
Job file compression can improve the overall processing time for a job if
you are sending large files to the host containing sequences of more than
four of the same character (including the space or null characters) in
succession. The RJE workstation configuration specifies whether job files
submitted to a workstation will be compressed.
The use of compression depends on whether the host supports it. Check
with your host personnel if necessary. If the host configuration specifies
that it supports compression, the workstation will send the job
This option does not affect output received from the host. SNAplus2
always accepts compressed files sent from the host or files that are not