Release Notes for SoftBench 8.01

Release Notes For SoftBench 8.01
What’s in this Version
Chapter 14
What’s in this Version
SoftBench 8.X is a visual development environment for C and C++ professionals who are
developing software for HP-UX.
Benefits — The SoftBench 8.X environment offers a number of ways to develop software
more effectively:
Natural Interaction with the Development Environment: Version 8.X also
provides - The Project Model. Developers can now organize their work in a way that
naturally reflects the underlying structure of their applications.
Increased Productivity through “Complete” Tool Integration: Complete
integration, both in terms of breadth and depth! Building upon the Project Model,
version 8.X provides tools for each step of the software development lifecycle - editing,
building, debugging, analysis, and management. All tools are integrated by way of
SoftBench’s sophisticated messaging framework.
Shorter Learning Curve: The graphical nature of SoftBench makes it easy for new
or experienced developers to create value-added software without being concerned
about the underlying system.
Extensibility: You can integrate your favorite development tools into the SoftBench
environment, just as the pre-configured tools are, by using the SoftBench Software
Developers Kit.
Features — SoftBench 8.X offers the following features:
The Project Tool: The Project Tool is the focal point of interaction in SoftBench 8.X.
The Project Tool replaces the Toolbar and Program Builder found in previous versions
of SoftBench. Using the Project Tool, developers organize their source files into logical
projects. Other SoftBench tools then operate on projects as self-contained units.
Extended Support for the HP aC++ compiler: HP’s latest compiler, HP aC++,
conforms to the latest draft specifications from the ANSI C++ committee. SoftBench
8.X supports the HP aC++ compiler with all SoftBench tools, including the Static
Analyzer and CodeAdvisor.
CodeAdvisor: CodeAdvisor has been enhanced to scan for over 1500 types of
potential programming errors. CodeAdvisor is bundled with C++ SoftBench 8.X.