HP-UX Software Assistant Administration Guide (5900-3003, March 2013)

The Action report
The Action report is a to-do list of patches and patch bundles to install, plus a list of manual actions.
This report does not include explanations as to why the actions are required; for this information,
see the Detail report.
The patch and patch bundle actions can be taken care of by installing the depot created by the
SWA commands swa get and swa step depot. The depot includes all the patches and patch
bundles listed in the Action report, which includes all dependent patches. This allows you to install
the depot on any system, but the depot might include patches already installed on your target
The manual actions require individual, specialized actions as described in the Manual Actions
If you have issues that SWA does not have recommendations for (unresolved issues), the Action
report will warn that the recommended actions are an incomplete solution. Information on unresolved
issues can be found in the Detail report.
The Action report is included in the HTML report. It is created and displayed to standard output
by default. It begins with the Assessment Profile and then is followed by the Patch Bundles, Patches,
and Manual Actions sections.
Patch bundles
Bundles listed here are Quality Pack (QPK) bundles. Quality pack bundles include stable patches
for core HP-UX, graphics, and networking drivers. Depending on your release, there are two
possible QPK bundles, QPKAPPS and QPKBASE. Both bundles are included in the QPK depot.
If the QPK bundles include patches with warnings, the fix patches will be listed in the Patches
section of this report and the patch bundles will be identified as an issue in the Issue report.
The listed bundles are not found on the target system, but no information is provided as to what
bundle contents are missing. The bundle equivalency of the QPK contents can be detected with
the CHAIN and PATCH analyzers.
The patches listed in this section are required in addition to those in a QPK bundle – they are
available individually on the HPSC website. Software Assistant will recommend the newest patch
in the chain to resolve the issue.
If unexpected patches are seen in the list, they are usually included as dependencies or to address
The patches included as dependencies are flagged in the Dep column. An asterisk indicates a
patch that must be installed, and a plus sign indicates a patch dependency that is satisfied by
either being installed or by having a superseding patch installed.
The Detail report can provide the rationale for all patches. SWA creates all depots with all requisites
included. This allows installation on any system but might include patches that can't be installed
on a specific system. For example, if a there is a patch in the depot for a product that is not installed
on a system, that patch will not get installed.
If you have a QPK bundle listed under Patch Bundles, this will not be a complete list of patches to
install since QPK patches are not included in this list.
The Action report 17